Dry eye syndrome is an irritation that occurs when the eye is no longer sufficiently moistened.
This is often very uncomfortable and needs to be closely monitored because, over time, the surface of the eye can be altered.
Produced by the lacrimal glands, tears are essential for good eyesight: they nourish the eye, protect it from...
The environment in which we live, our lifestyle habits... dry eyes can be linked to several factors...
The impact on daily life is often significant, and manifests itself in different ways...
If signs persist, talk to your pharmacist or doctor.
We don't just cry when we're sad. We produce invisible tears all the time - about a liter a year. They moisten our eyes, clean them and protect them from foreign bodies, and dry eye syndrome doesn't stop us from crying!
We blink 10 to 20 times a minute, or 28,800 blinks a day, or 10.5 million a year. Blinking serves to clean the eyes. Less blinking leads to dry eyes and the accompanying sensation of irritation.
Unique combination based on Maquibright®, an innovative, patented plant extract, to bring comfort to your eyes.